Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depression, is a mood disorder characterized by unusual shifts in mood and energy levels that interfere with a person’s ability to carry out daily tasks. Left untreated, these mood swings can lead to states of mania and depression. A bipolar individual’s brain does not regulate their moods efficiently. They might feel highly energetic one day, and deeply depressed the next. The unpredictability of the disease can make it difficult to complete long-term goals like finishing an education or holding down a job.
At Advanced Psychiatry, we sympathize with the challenges bipolar disorder brings You do not have to manage this disease on your own. If you suspect you might have bipolar disorder, call us or schedule an appointment online to be evaluated.
Bipolar Disorder Statistics
Approximately 2.6% of Americans have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Of those cases, 86% are considered severe. Women and men are equally affected by this disease. One quarter to one half of all bipolar individuals will attempt suicide at least once in their lifetimes, and 15% of sufferers succeed in ending their lives.

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Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder causes episodes of dramatic shifts in mood. The symptoms depend on which state the person is in at the time, and include:
Manic State
- Increased Energy
- High Mood / Elation
- Rapid Speech
- Taking on Many Projects at Once
- Feelings of Invincibility
- Engaging in Risky Behaviors
- Irritability
- Racing Thoughts
- Trouble Sleeping / Reduced Need for Sleep
Depressed State
- Decreased Energy
- Feeling Sad or Hopeless
- Thoughts of Death or Suicide
- Trouble Finding Words
- Mental Fog / Forgetfulness
- Physical Aches
- Trouble Sleeping / Sleeps More
- Feeling Empty
- Lack of Interest or Pleasure
Sometimes a bipolar person enters what is called a mixed episode. They show symptoms of both mania and depression, such as being full of ideas but not having the energy to act on them. Left unregulated, manic states can cause a person’s mood to become so elevated that they lose touch with reality and become psychotic. Depressive states can lead to self-harm or suicide attempts.
Types of Bipolar Disorder
There are four types of bipolar disorder, all of which we treat at our office:
- Bipolar I. Defined by the prevalence of manic episodes and severe mania with depressive states.
- Bipolar II. Defined by the prevalence of depressive states with hypomanic episodes.
- Cyclothymic Disorder. Less severe symptoms of manic and depressive episodes.
- Unspecified Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar symptoms are present, but do not meet the diagnostic criteria for the above conditions.
Treatments for Bipolar Disorder
The goal in treating bipolar disorder is to stabilize the shifts in mood and keep the highs and lows from disrupting the patient’s life. This is usually achieved with prescription mood stabilizers, antidepressants, and therapy to help the person identify the signs that a shift is occurring. Our nurse practitioners always welcome patients to take an active role in their own treatment, so they will thoroughly explain all of your medication choices and possible side effects.
Our Bipolar Disorder Treatment Plans
Advanced Psychiatry tailors each treatment plan to the individual, taking into account the severity of their symptoms, their medical history, and their tolerance to specific medications. Our goal is to come up with a plan that our patients can comfortably follow and monitor their progress over the course of their follow-up exams. We take patient feedback very seriously and encourage questions and collaboration.
If bipolar disorder is affecting you or someone you care about, please call us or schedule an appointment online. You do not have to walk this path alone. Advanced Psychiatry is here to help.
Contact Us
Ask a question or book an appointment below. For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital
Advanced Psychiatry, P.L.L.C
2485 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 100, Southlake, Texas 76092
Office Hours
Monday-Thursday from 7am - 4pm and closed on Fridays.